Tag Archives: telecommunications

BT Brings Broadband To ‘Remote’ Milton Keynes

I couldn’t help passing this one on, though I don’t mean to mock either Milton Keynes, a charming artificial town in England, or Online Journalism, a very worthy project of the USC Annenberg Online Journalism Review. Online Journalism today picks up a piece from the BBC about how British Telecom is trying to extend broadband… Read More »

This week’s column – Snarf

This week’s Loose Wire column is about Bluetooth security:  Next time you’re carrying your whiz-bang Bluetooth phone watch out: Serious flaws mean your contact numbers and other info stored in the phone could be stolen without you even knowing it. This latest threat is called Bluesnarfing.   Full text at the Far Eastern Economic Review… Read More »

What Will Keep The Wi-Fi Customer Satisfied?

Wi-Fi Networking News talks about hotspots, and how providers are having to fight to keep their customers in a competitive market. Hotspot operators who charge, they say, are going to have to offer something unique beside Internet access if they want to attract customers. “Higher bandwidth than business-DSL or T-1 may have to be part… Read More »

News: Broadband Isn’t About Speed

 British users are finding broadband isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, if it means confronting spam and other detritus of the Internet. According to a report by the iSociety project at The Work Foundation to be launched today:  ”Ordinary people are promised that broadband makes the internet better; in fact it sometimes leads to… Read More »