Tag Archives: Biology

This week’s column – TheBrain

This week’s Loose Wire column is about TheBrain organizing and brainstorming software: Expand Your Mind: There’s software to help you do it. TheBrain not only aids in organizing your thoughts but could also stimulate new ideas and connections When you chat with someone who says, “My brain right this minute is 105 megabytes and there… Read More »

A Way To Filter Spam In Outlook (And Who The Hell Are Behind It?)

There’s a lot of software out there, but who is really behind it? Reading a piping fresh press release from a company that may or may not be called FlowRuler, which has just released a product called, er, FlowRuler, I tried to find out a bit more about who was behind it (FlowRuler, by the… Read More »

News: More on Cellphone Dangers

 Here’s more on the dangers of cellphones: the BBC reports that people who chat on their mobile phone while walking could be hurting their back, according to scientists at Australia’s University of Queensland. They say the human body is designed to exhale when our feet touch the ground. This helps to protect the spine from… Read More »

Update: Worms Still Worming

 Viruses still plague many networks and not everyone is taking it lightly: U.S. colleges are getting tough on students with infected PCs, unplugging them and fining them, Associated Press reports.   Back-to-back waves of devastating infections that spread quickly across the Internet during August crippled some college and high school networks just before the start of… Read More »

News: You’re a Bad, Bad Owner

 From the This Gadget May Well Tell More Than I Really Want To Know About My Pet Dept, a Japanese company that produced the world’s first dog translator is working on a similar device for cats. An article at ComputerWorld’s website says that Japan’s Takara Co. Ltd. is working on a the Meowlingual, that “will have some… Read More »