Tag Archives: Adobe software

Confessions of a PDF Hater

There’s a lot of discussion about the ongoing spat between Microsoft and Adobe over whether Microsoft will be able to install PDF/Acrobat support in its next version of Office. This should be as straightforward as PDF support in OpenOffice — where you can choose to save (well, print, technically speaking) a file as an Acrobat… Read More »

Adobe Opens The Door A Crack?

Wired reports that the upcoming version of Adobe Acrobat Reader — the free version of its authoring software that lets folk read the resulting Portable Document Format, or PDF files — will let “users make comments or editing changes for the first time, if the original creator of the document uses Acrobat 7.0 and authorizes… Read More »

Acrobat Converting Software

Here’s a list of services and products that create documents in Adobe’s  “Portable Document Format” (PDF). (Much of this is drawn from Merle’s article on WebProNews) Software that creates PDF files from other files PDFMoto: A Web publishing system that converts documents you create in any Windows application into PDF. They offer several different versions, so… Read More »

News: The Free Version Of Office Is Out

 The free, open source Office suite, OpenOffice, is now officially into version 1.1, including enhancements such as “revolutionary” XML file format, one-click PDF (Adobe Acrobat) export and Macromedia Flash export for presentations and drawings, according to The Register.     There is is enhanced MS Office file compatibility, accessibility support and a faster load times.… Read More »

Software: Acrobatics on the Cheap

FinePrint, who do an excellent printing program that prints multiple pages on one sheet and saves paper, also do some great software for generating Adobe Acrobat (PDF) files (those documents that look the same whatever computer you view them on, or whatever printer you print them off). It’s a cheaper alternative to buying Acrobat itself,… Read More »