Tag Archives: Walkie-talkie

Mobiles As Walkie Talkies

Why do some people hold their cellphones like walkie-talkies, alternating between holding the mouthpiece to their mouth and then pushing the earpiece to their ear? I used to see people doing this in the early days of cellphone usage and thought it charming, but nowadays I see trendy, savvy dudes doing it. Like this elaborately… Read More »

Bluetooth Jackets For The Hip – And The Hip-Replaced

Thanks to Martin Herfurt for this: A jacket that, via Bluetooth, doubles as an entertainment centre, complete with (1) hands-free set with microphone in the collar and voice recognition, (2) integrated headphone connection, (3) flexible keyboard embodied into the material and (4) docking station for an MP3 player with a Bluetooth headset: The HUB-Jacket comes with 128… Read More »