RotoRooter plumbers report their technicians in Los Angeles have “rooted out a whole zooyard of critters from American toilets including frogs, ducks and snakes”, Wireless Flash reports. Last week, a plumber rescued a five-week old puppy from a drainpipe in Demossville, Kentucky, and another couple even tried to flush a cat down their commode. Other bizarre animals found in drains include Cornish game hens, pot-bellied pigs and even a talking parakeet.
RotoRooter officials, despite their motto being ‘And Away Go Troubles Down the Drain’, hope to nip the “Finding Nemo” flushing fad in the bud with a campaign called DON?T FLUSH NEMO!, pointing out:
- Pipes are not connected to the ocean
- Flushing a fish down the toilet will not help them find freedom. It actually will provide less freedom because the pipes are smaller than most fish bowls, and, er, finally,
- There’s no fish food in the toilet.
So now you know.