Tag Archives: Windows Live Sync

The Limits of the Cloud

Microsoft’s FolderShare, a folder synchronizing tool that I’ve recommended in previous columns, is going off the air for up to three days in the middle of the week “for server upgrades”: FolderShare will be offline for a little while (48-72 hours) next week for some server upgrades. The outage begins Tuesday, June 17, at 6… Read More »

The “Sharing Files Thing” Gets Cheaper

It’s a growing space, as the marketing types call it, and it’s not surprising
that Laplink, best known for their linking of laps (shurely “laptops”? – ed),
have decided to make the basic edition of their file sharing appliactions,
ShareDirect, free. Previously available online for $40, the program can
now be downloaded for nothing. It’s not a bad application, — you just
invite trusted contacts to view and download them from the folders you
designate. The files never leave the safety of your hard drive until you
invite someone to download them from you directly. All files are protected
by 128-bit encryption, and can securely travel through