Category Archives: Innovation

From balloons to shrimp-filled shallows, the future is wireless

From balloons to shrimp-filled shallows, the future is wireless BY JEREMY WAGSTAFF (Reuters) – The Internet may feel like it’s everywhere, but large pockets of sky, swathes of land and most of the oceans are still beyond a signal’s reach. Three decades after the first cellphone went on sale – the $4,000 Motorola DynaTAC 8000X… Read More »

Behind the iPad’s sluggish sales

Sameer Singh offers some possible reasons for the fall in iPad sales:  Pocketable vs. Tablet Computing | Tech-Thoughts by Sameer Singh: “With this background, the sudden decline in iPad sales may have been caused by a combination of the following factors: Most high-end consumers who need iPads already own them (and as some analysts have… Read More »